Innovative and Eye-catching: 2015 MBA Winner Monaco by Bridgehill

The Monaco Apartments, located on the Rhodes peninsula, contains 212 apartments over four separate buildings on a podium above a two-level basement with parking for 233 vehicles. The four buildings have been designed to deliver a range of apartments to suit most budgets and range from compact, one-bedroom and studio units with internal courtyards to spacious three-bedroom waterfront terraces.
A significant proportion of the northern end of the Rhodes peninsula is remediated land, having previously been an industrial site.
The foundation solution adopted was driven, pre-cast concrete piles founded on bedrock, shallow-pad footings and a fully suspended slab on ground. Above podium level, the buildings are generally concrete framed with varying façade finishes which include glass and aluminium-framed windows and doors, rendered, lightweight concrete panels and face brickwork. The base of all buildings was extensively clad with imported sandstone.
The finished development is particularly striking and made more so by the introduction of public art at the main entrance. Woking collaboratively with the City of Canada Bay officers, Westbourne commissioned artist Nark McClelland to design and build the main entrance artworks. The finished product represents the gradual rebirth of the mangroves in Homebush Bay. Above the main entrance doors, laser-cut aluminium sheets portray the mangrove canopy, with the trunk and roots structures depicted in copper rod on the adjacent sandstone walls. This artwork has become Shoreline Drive landmark and enhances and complements this eye-catching and innovative apartment development.
JUDGES’ COMMENTS: This unit has two levels, entering from the top floor to the bedroom level. The lower level reveals a large kitchen and family room opening out to a large covered area overlooking the Parramatta River. From this level you can enter the two-car garage through the laundry which features a skylight looking through to the garden above. This design made it a winning entry.
Originally published by MBA Excellence in Housing Awards Annual